Breakfast/Lunch Info
It is important for our Eagles to have a variety of healthy food choices during the school day. We offer breakfast before school as well a "second breakfast" option during morning recesses. Hot lunches are served in the school cafeteria. Students are also welcome to bring their lunches from home.
Lunch $2.75 per day, including milk or juice.
Milk or juice may also be purchased separately for $0.35.
Breakfast is offered for $1.25
Information about the free and reduced lunch program is available from Mrs. Ansara in the office as well as on the UUSD web page.
If you must bring a lunch after school starts, please deliver it to the office no later than 11:00 a.m.
If your child brings lunch money to school, please remind them to pay for lunch before school or at recess. This will help us get every child through the line in an efficient manner.
Students are encouraged to purchase lunch credits in advance. Lunch credits may be purchased with cash, check, or online through the website: