Behavior Expectations
The staff at Valencia is committed to providing a safe and positive learning environment for all students. We employ five school wide behavior expectations that everyone on campus adheres to: Safety, Organization, Appreciation, Respect and Responsibility. Our staff teaches and reinforces the SOARR principles and specific expectations for all areas of the school throughout the year. Students earn Eagle Bucks for meeting the expectations and have opportunities to spend their earnings in our SOARR Store.
S: Safety
O: Organization
A: Appreciation
R: Respect
R: Responsibility
Valencia Eagles are recognized for their effort and progress regularly in their classrooms as well as at Eagle Assemblies. We have assemblies on the first Wednesday of each month at 8:20 a.m. for grades TK and K, 9:15 a.m. for grades 1-3, and 10:45 a.m. for grades 4-6. Students earn awards in a variety of areas including mathematics, music, science, academic excellence, special recognition and SOARR behavior (principal's award).
It is also our intention to work with inappropriate student behavior in its early stages and provide students struggling to meet the behavior expectations with support. Both minor and major infractions are documented via Office Discipline Referrals. Each ODR will be sent home to be signed and discussed by parents with the students.
Depending on the behavior exhibited, consequences may include:
- A discussion of the incident or verbal warning
- Loss of recess or playtime
- Removal of a privilege
- Phone calls home or parent conference
In the event a student continues to receive ODRs and the teacher finds it necessary, the teacher may involve the principal. Students will meet with the principal to discuss behavior expectations and consequences. The principal may contact parents for support or to develop an action plan for student behavior. Fighting will be immediately referred to the principal.