Students are expected to be in school unless they are ill. Please contact the office to report an absence.
Please contact using one of the following:
1. Phone call (909) 949-7830
2. Text (213) 267-4101
3. Through Google Form
4. Email
Please communicate the following information:
1. Student's name
2. Teacher name
3. Date of absence
4. Reason for absence
5. Are you requesting homework?
6. Identify who is making the call.
We appreciate your efforts in having your child attend school any portion of a day when full attendance is not possible
Students who report late to school must report first to the office before going to class. In the case of frequent tardiness, parents will be contacted by the teacher and the principal. Please make every attempt to have your child arrive on time.
Attendance letters will be mailed home regularly to those students who have four or more absences and/or tardies. Please make every effort to have students at school every day unless they are vomiting or feverish.
If your child must be out of school for an unexcused reason, (e.g. accompanying you on a vacation), you may request from the teacher that an Independent Study Contract be prepared for the time he/she will be absent. In that way, the student is not marked absent, keeps up with the class work, and the school receives its state funding for those days. Independent Study Contracts will be prepared for five or more days of absence. Teachers should have at least two days advance notice to prepare the contract. If the absence will be a long one the teacher may require more advance notice to prepare an appropriate study plan.
If your child is out of school because of illness for more than one day you may want to pick up homework for him/her. Please call the office at least 24 hours ahead of time so that the teacher will have adequate time to get your child’s homework together for you.
We encourage you to schedule medical and other appointments so they do not conflict with class time. If it is necessary that students leave the school grounds before the regular dismissal time, send a note to the teacher indicating the time and reason. Students must be signed out in the office before leaving. They will only be released to their parents or someone authorized by their parents. If they return to school following an appointment, they must check in at the office before going to class.
All students are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time for classes in order to obtain maximum benefit from the instructional program. There is a direct relationship between poor attendance and class failure. Students who have good attendance generally achieve higher grades and enjoy school more. The following reasons are recognized as being valid for absence from school:
- Personal illness
- Illness in the family
- Death of a relative
- Observance of a religious holiday
- Emergency circumstances which, in the judgment of the administration, constitute good and sufficient cause for absence from school